The main role of the neck is to carry the head and to serve its main functions as vision, hearing, mastication (including taste) and position in space (proprioception). This major role connects the neck-head-face & jaw into one major functional complex in which its components are inter-related and affects each other. Additionally, the modern neuroanatomy research points out the tight neural sensory connection between the complex parts so that noxious stimuli in one part (right side of upper neck) can easily lead to pain presentation in other part (around the right eye) and vice versa.
Therefore, the ideal management for us as Physiotherapists in this region requires understanding of the whole Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular complex.
In this comprehensive course, participants will learn the evidence informed effective assessment & practical management of people with musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction in their CCM complex.
This is a 16 hour course (2 full days), lectures (40%) & practical sessions (60%).
Assistant: Mazareanu Alexandru
Designed for: Dentists, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Students (terminal year).